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Friday, April 27, 2007


Charlie Rose Failed Us - Interviewing General David Petraeus


I love in-depth interviews, long format, informational, personal and deep.
I know you pride yourself on being the penultimate gentleman and civil to a fault, but your pandering to General Petraeus was inexcusable.

This man is in charge of the mess in IRAQ, a swarming chaos he inherited true, but he is not a leader prepared to lead Iraq out of the darkness, he is a SOLIDER, controlled and directed by the executives in office. You treated him as if he could speak truthfully and candidly, as if his answers were informed opinions, instead of the war propaganda they actually are.


The right to dissent against any invading force is unquestionable.
Hell, you can't really fault them for killing our soldiers, if our positions were reversed ... if they invaded our country without provocation ... we would do the same.
But the right to wave their own flag ... the right to free speech ... our First Amendment rights, are not GIVEN to us, or to Iraq, by our government, or anyone.

These truths are self evident, all men are endowed by their creator with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom of speech, and thought, are part of that LIBERTY thing.

Invading U.S. Armies don't GIVE people their freedom!
Freedom, or more precisely LIBERTY, must be earned, and defended, and YOU are failing to defend ours.

In the end, you even thanked him profusely for the interview, revealing your repulsive sycophantic patronage.
This guy is the dude in charge of waging a war, an illegal war of aggression!
His interview is not a GIFT TO YOU!
This wasn't a scoop, or a coup, or some kind of bow to your reputation.
This kind of access to our government officials is the minimum necessary condition for accountability, transparency, and responsible government.
It is the minimum needed in an informed democracy.

And it is not your JOB to kiss his ass, the GENERAL should be straightforward and truthful, out of respect for his SACRED OATH to uphold the Constitution, and defend it against all attacks, both foreign and domestic. An oath he has forsaken.

You didn't even jump on him when he admitted that he doesn't even use his own troops for his personal security.
He admitted that he uses private mercenaries!
BLACKWATER! For god sake CHARLIE! He admitted that he can't even protect himself.
He has the best Army in history, and he can't protect himself, so he outsources, to WAR PROFITEERS!

I like how he just said it in passing, that part about "trying to hold them to some kind of 'code' of conduct". Implying that his Mercs are operating outside of all Military and Civilian Law, free to kill who they please, at a profit. And you gave him a pass.
You are enabling the military industrial congressional complex.

You're pandering to the administration, Charlie. Stop it.

Go watch the BILL MOYERS special on the failure of the PRESS.
Then realize that YOU ARE THE MEDIA, it is your responsibility to question authority.
Instead, you provide accommodation for the enemies of our freedom.

When are you going to do a show about the end of America?
The effects of the Military Commissions Act, the 2007 Defense Authorization Bill, and the 'Patriot' Act?

I am embarrassed for you Charlie Rose.

The First Amendment, The Bil of Rights, United States Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for redress of grievances.

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