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Wednesday, November 14, 2007


John Edwards For President - NEW 80 Pages on the Issues!

One of the dozens of aspiring presidential candidates has drawn a line in the sand and taken a real stand, not just on one issue, preaching to one interest group or another, but on ALL the issues. John Edwards is the only candidate who has written his entire PLATFORM, for all to see.

John Edwards has produced an eighty page document, outlining in detail what his issues are and what he will do if elected. It is organized into three areas:
Standing Up For Regular Families
Restoring America's Leadership Role In The World
Investing In Our Future And Our Communities

My favorite part is what he says he will do about GOVERNMENT REFORM.

But see what he says about the NEW ENERGY ECONOMY and WOMEN , IRAQ and HEALTH CARE.

This proves he's thinking ahead, about everything, and he is way out ahead of any other candidate in stating his position BEFORE the upcoming IOWA PRIMARY. For once we can VOTE FOR SOMETHING, rather than against it.

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