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Monday, March 24, 2008


4,000 Deaths - 435 Town Halls

We just passed another tragic milestone with the 4,000th death of U.S. soldiers in Iraq, while the uncounted death toll of innocent Iraqis climbs beyond 1 million.

Yet in April, Congress will vote to give George Bush another $102 billion blank check for Iraq on top of past blank checks for $562 billion - unless we finally persuade our Representatives to Just Say No .

One great way to persuade a Representative is to hold a Town Hall Meeting and fill the hall with people who care and are willing to speak passionately. That gets their attention!

Democrats.com has 500,000 members, roughly 1,000 in each district. That's more than enough to fill 435 Iraq Town Halls, if just two committed activists in each district will take the lead in organizing one. We've created web tools and assembled useful links to make this easier.

Will you help us organize an Iraq Town Hall?

Thanks for all you do!

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