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What Does it Cost to Change the World? from WikiLeaks on Vimeo.

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Sunday, October 30, 2011


What is the Cost of Civil Dialog?

I have a question: Is C-SPAN, Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network a privately owned for profit corporation, or does it provide us with good independent journalism? "And yet, we gave this guest 43 minutes!" - C-Span Host in response.

We need to confront those in Washington D.C as Americans, not as Left or Right, but as Americans, and ask them why they are so untrustworthy. We have no confidence. We have a TRUST-Deficit. Watch this 43 minute Interview with Anabel Park of the Coffee Party and see what a real patriot looks like.
We must respect the politics of those who disagree with us.
Citizens Intervention

Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Commission

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